יום שני, 27 בספטמבר 2010

the classics: Psycho

I get the chills just listening the sound following this film! What a master piece this movie is!! If you want to learn how to make great compositions Hitchcock is where to draw inspiration from. too bad nowadays people relay on 3D crap to make it interesting- just look what simple black and white can achieve. This is cinema at it's core and at it's best.

It has been a pleasure drawing this! 


Ladies & Gentlemen welcome Mr. Don Draper

A total Man Candy:)))

If you never watched Mad Men- You MUST!!  Great actors, great story, and most of all great STYLE..
Don Draper is the main character, he isn't known for being a faithful man, but i some how forgive him... i mean... look at him!! The actor's name is Jon Hamm by the way.. and when he's off duty he looks nothing like Don.. but always cute...

Take a look at the brilliant opening credits
And a scene that illustrates the greatness of the show 

יום ראשון, 26 בספטמבר 2010


Another Illustration based on Helmut Newton's photography... (he has wonderful wonderful shots!! google him)...

It's Cindy Crawford by the way... back in her glory days...

The girl with the Sea of Shoes

When i was 15, I had braces in my mouth, I wore silly cloth, and was a total dork!! A dark dark time in my life... My oldest friend can testify to that! Even if i had a photo of that time in hand, i would never ever post it!! That I'll take to the grave.

That was NOT the case with little miss Jane Aldridge (blog: Sea of Shoes). At the young age of fifteen, she started her blog- (in 2007), just as a way to pass time between exams.. One look at her, and you know she was born to be a star, she is gorgeous and the Fashion World fell in love with her, and she is the hottest thing.. promoting designers, modeling...

I guess i got a thing for pretty young stylish girls- (mmm.. strange)...
I once again made a drawing of her....

Take Me down to Paradise City

The first of the Serie

(Based on Helmut Newton)

Guns N' Roses : Paradise city

יום שבת, 25 בספטמבר 2010

the classics: Pulp Fiction

 Quentin Tarantino needs no introducing. Going through the scenes- it was difficult to choose, since almost every frame was so beautiful. As i was drawing, i played the movie's soundtrack- it's damn good!! Now i just feel like sitting down with popcorn and watch the movie again...


יום שישי, 24 בספטמבר 2010

Video Phone- Beyonce meets Lady gaga

Looking for new sources of inspiration, i came across the idea of using video as appose to regular still photos.  I'm pretty excited about this!

In case you are not familiar with the source here is the video clip

Regardless of what may your opinion be of the music, the video is done beautifully. 


יום רביעי, 22 בספטמבר 2010

It's Titled: UNTITLED

לו זבוב על קירותיה של כיתה בשנקר היה שומע את השיחות אשר ניהלנו שם, הוא היה חוזר לחבריו הזבובים והיה אומר שאלה שם בפנים הם חבורה של מוזרים. מדברים ברצינות אין קץ על ריווחים למעלה, למטה, מימין ומשמאל, מתפלמסים בחירוף נפש על משמעותו של אימג' ו/או פונט... ובוכים בכי תמרורים לאחר שעבודה כשלה את מעמד הביקורת המאיים.

כן, מי שלא בוחש בעולם הזה, העולם של העיצוב, לא יכול שלא לתהות על מה כל המהומה.. על פניו מעצב תפקידו "לעשות את זה יפה". אך שם הטעות המרה מכל, שכן מעצב טוב הוא פילוסוף, רעיונאי, במאי, מפיק, צלם, משורר,צייר... ולא פחות גם פסיכולוג. את כל הכובעים הללו עליו לחבוש, ולג'נגל אותם כמו לוליין בקרקס רוסי.

דרך מאוד טובה להמחיש ל"אוטסיידרים" את תהליכי החשיבה שמלווים אותנו, המעצבים המאיירים והאמנים וכל האנשים למעשה החיים את העולם היצירתי, היא דרך הבלוג המרתק הנקרא- "אנטייטלד" אשר ערוך ואצור ע"י אברהם קורנפלד, וטליה זליגמן. הבלוג מחולק לשתי קטגוריות- האחת- "מחשבות", והשניה- "מעשים". המחשבות, ההגיגים, והתהיות, נכתבים על ידי רבים מהאנשים הפועלים בענפים אלו בישראל, ומרתק לפגוש את כולם. משהו בתחושה שהבלוג מייצר אצלי לפחות, היא של בית קפה, בו חבורה של אנשים חולקים רעיונות ומדסקסים להנאתם של כולם.

Think of them

 We must think of our planet and our animals!! please:)

Polar bears are in serious danger of going extinct due to global warming. Rising temperatures cause sea ice to melt, especially in the summer months when the polar bears are the most active.
Polar bears depend on sea ice as habitat for hunting and dens. As available sea ice decreases, polar bears have to swim farther to find suitable habitat and it takes much longer to find a meal. Compounding the problem, sea ice loss also impacts polar bears main food source--seals.
Polar bears need our help and protection to ensure a long, healthy future for the species.

Tel Aviv Journals

My final project in Shenkar were 4 journals following the city of Tel-Aviv. I used mixed media - (my drawing and photography)- plus wrote the texts. Here are a few spreads:


יום שלישי, 21 בספטמבר 2010

Beth Ditto- A Big Fashion Icon

Beth Ditto- the lead singer of the group "the gossip" was declared the "coolest person in rock". Beth got a wonderful voice, but i think what makes her stand out from all the rest is her style, and size. She is big, and it seems like she is damn proud of it! Don't we all wish to feel that way about ourselves?! We need more rule models like her. Then maybe, just maybe we shall see a change in the way we preserve beauty.

יום שני, 20 בספטמבר 2010

Cherry Blossom Girl impressionism

And, here I am again writing about, yet, another Fashion blogger icon...This girl called Alix is a recent fashion design graduate from Paris. What makes her blog stand out, besides her great style and looks is the fantastic photography. 

I was inspired by one photo and made an illustration based on it. The photo itself reminded me of Impressionistic Art- especially Degas drawings.

Well- and this is my little version of impressionism:

plus... I've discovered today this girl- named Louise is a french fashion blogger (pandora) ICON in her own rights!!

Israeli fashion

one of the blogs i enjoy following belongs to Sefi,
"way 2 yellow"... she has a cool vintage look

יום ראשון, 19 בספטמבר 2010

I can smell snow

O.k, who am i kidding,  chances of it snowing in Tel Aviv are slim to none... as much of  chances for world peace, and hell freezing over. But a girl can dream:))  Being originally from Jerusalem, what i miss most about it is the  the weather. People who know me, knows i am miserable when it is hot (and humid.. I much rather cover myself with a beautiful coat scarf hat and boots then to walk around with boring summer cloth... Actually i think i was born in the wrong country!! So till hell freezes over i shall smell imaginary snow...  

יום שבת, 18 בספטמבר 2010

סטפן סגמייסטר האגדי

ראיון מרתק ב"גלריה", עם האיש שהפך מזמן לכוכב רוק בעולם העיצוב העולמי. אני חושבת שהצלחתו הרבה שייכת להיותו משוחרר מתכתיבים עיצוביים, ויצירת שפה אישית, שגורמת לחיבור רגשי לעבודותיו. וזה שהוא פשוט טיפוס מגניב שכיף לאהוב.

סגמייסטר: "אבולוציה בוודאי הפכה את הלמידה למהנה כי היא רוצה שנצמח, זה האינטרס שלה בסופו של דבר. בדיוק כמו שהיא הפכה את הסקס למהנה כי היא רוצה שנביא ילדים לעולם".


Day dreamer

יום שישי, 17 בספטמבר 2010

Exploring 19th Century

Apparently you had to grow a mustache and wear a hat to be "in" back then... 
you would think dogs from the 19th century look different then they do now... but they don't....                              

יום חמישי, 16 בספטמבר 2010

eighties state of mind

my favorite show as a kid... when channel 1 was the hottest thing

Me and my father... you can totally smell the 80s

The Eighties are known as a decade of bad taste... but there is something cool about the low techness of that time... especially when it was considered so futuristic.